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Engineering Projects

Phase Name Description
Planning Southbridge at Wedgefield Crossing

An Intersection Control Evaluation (ICE) Study was completed  to review the safety of the intersection for vehicles and pedestrians. A mini-roundabout was recommended from the study and approved by a majority (54%) of the community residents at a public information meeting held on August 11, 2022. Design is on hold pending approval to move forward from the County Managers Office.  


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Final Design Skidaway Road Improvement Project

This is a SPLOST project to improve the Skidaway Ferguson/Norwood Avenue intersection. This project includes an upgrade of the existing traffic signal, drainage and sidewalks on both sides of Skidaway Road. The Concept Plan for this project is attached below for review. 

Also attached is a copy of written comments received during the Public Information Open House (PIOH) comment period with responses. We thank everyone that attended the meeting and/or offered comments.

Final engineering design is underway. Right of way acquisition is scheduled to begin in the fourth quarter of 2023. Construction to begin in 2024 after right of way acquisition is complete.

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Planning Safe Streets for All Study

The Safe Streets for All Study will identify risk factors and locations of serious traffic crashes, identify underserved communities, assess and make recommendations for improving transportation policies. Chatham County is working with Heath and Lineback to identify and prioritize projects and strategies for the safety of all road users. The Existing Conditions Report has been completed and is available on this screen. This study as well as a commitment to a Vision Zero Goal by the Board of Commissioners to eliminate traffic fatalities will become the basis of a Safety Action Plan for unincorporated Chatham County. As part of the public input for the Safe Streets for All project we are asking for your involvement. 

Please use this link to tell us about areas in Chatham County that are the greatest safety risks to road users. 


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Right of Way Acquisition Little Neck Road

This is a project to rebuild the existing two lanes on Little Neck Road between U.S. 17/Ogeechee Road and the Landfill Entrance just northwest of I-95. The reconstruction will allow for a future four lane section between U.S. 17 and I-95 to be built at a later date. The current reconstruction project will include additional lanes between U.S. 17 and Al Henderson Boulevard with a raised center median and a path on each side. The path on the southeast side of the road will continue about one and a half miles from U.S. 17. The concept plans are provided here for your review. Construction will begin after right of way acquisition is complete, most likely in early 2024.

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Construction Island's Expressway Bridge Replacement Project, P.I.#0007128

The Georgia Department of Transportation issued Notice to Proceed to Prince Contracting, LLC to begin construction on February 2, 2018. The first of the two bridges was completed and traffic was shifted to the new bridge in July, 2022. The construction of Bridge 2 is underway. The current schedule is to complete Bridge 2 in 2024.

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Construction Quacco Road Improvement Project

This project will include roadway widening and operational improvements to intersections, drainage features, and pedestrian facilities along a 2.6-mile-long segment of Quacco Road between I-95 and US 17/ Ogeechee Road.  The roadway widening will consist of two travel lanes each way with a center median and turn lanes at various locations.  Pedestrian facilities will be a large part of the improvements for this project. A 10-foot shared use path will be along the north side and a 5-foot sidewalk will be along the south side.

The project was split into two phases for constructon. Phase 1 included the improvements at the intersection of Quacco Road and U.S. 17 and on Quacco Road from U.S. 17 to Winding Way. Phase 1 improvements are complete.  Phase 2 will include the widening of Quacco Road between I-95 and Winding Way. Road widening will begin after clearing is complete and utilties have relocated.  Clearing activities are in progress and should be completed in early 2024. Power line relocation will follow. 

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Active Road Resurfacing Program

Unincorporated Chatham County has approximately 350 miles of roads to maintain.  SPLOST law was changed with the enactment of Sales Tax V that allowed for the resurfacing of existing roadways.  The State provides the County with Local Maintenance Improvement Grant (LMIG) funds each year that we use for resurfacing of roads. The LMIG program requires that for each 70 cents of State LMIG funds, the County provide 30 cents of local SPLOST funds. This total amount is then generally used to determine how much resurfacing is completed each year.  

Attached to your left you will find a list of roads included in the 2023 resurfacing contract. Construction began in January 2024. Resufacing of those roads will be completed in the summer of 2024. The roads on the list for 2024 should go out for bid in the fall of 2024 for completion in the spring of 2025. 

The map below features the current road rating of unincorporated Chatham. In February 2023, Chatham County contracted IMS (Infrastructure Management Services) to create a Pavement Management System. IMS drove every road in unincorporated Chatham County with a vehicle designed to collect high-resolution pavement condition data. Once the data was collected a score in the form of a Pavement Condition Index was defined for each road segment using the criteria in ASTM D6433. This criteria considers distress in the pavement such as rutting and cracking. The map below visually represents the pavement condition index of the road segments in Chatham County. The attached report provides additional information on the process and evaluation of the pavement evaluation.

Based on the results of the study, Chatham County’s roadways were found to be in Very Good condition with an average PCI of 70. Our goal going forward is to maintain an average of 70 or better. Using funds provided through Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax and GDOT’s Local Maintenance Improvement Grant, the county works to improve our roadway system through pavement resurfacing and pavement preservation. The County is focusing on resurfacing roads with a PCI less than 50 and extending the life of pavement through pavement preservation on roads with a PCI greater than 70.


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Active Islands Expressway at Oatland Island Rd

This operational improvement project will shift the connection between Islands Expressway and Oatland Island Road on the north side and add turn lanes to improve the function and safety of the intersection. Please see the attached concept display that shows the proposed changes. Due to construction bids that were double the engineers estimate, the project will be rebid at a later date.

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Construction Johnny Mercer at Lyman Hall Intersection Improvements

A new traffic signal and improvements at the intersection of Johnny Mercer Boulevard and Lyman Hall Road. A Construction Contract was awarded to Moye Electric by the Board of Commissioners on June 23, 2023. Work is underway and should be complete in the spring of 2024. 

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Final Design Walthour Road Slope Stabilization & Sidewalk

A short section of concrete wall as well as revetment mats and rip rap are proposed to stabilize the shoulders of Walthour Road adjacent to Betz Creek. The improvements will also include sidewalk on the west side of Walthour Road. This project will require closure of Walthour Road for several months to complete construction. Advanced notice of the road closure will be provided with Message Boards and Media. This project was bid in June of 2023 with no bids received. The wall design is currently under revision. This project is anticipated to be ree-bid in the summer of 2024.

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Planning R. McCorkel Trail Resurfacing

This project upgraded deteriorated portions of the Robert McCorkle Trail on Wilmington Island with a new concrete surface. The concrete construction is complete. Pedistrian crossing improvements are being designed for implementation at various locations along the trail. Construction is scheduled in early 2024.

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Preliminary Engineering Johnny Mercer Blvd at Walthour Rd

A project is proposed to construct improvements at the existing intersection of Johnny Mercer Boulevard at Walthour Road to improve the safety and efficiency of the intersection. A single lane roundabout was the recommended solution from an Intersection Control Evaluation (ICE) Study and was the preferred solution of the residents who attended or submitted comments for the Public Information Open House held in April, 2022.  Please see the attached exhibit of the proposed roundabout.

Construction plans are being developed to build a single lane roundabout that will accommodate truck traffic and provide accessibility for pedestrians and bicycles. Preliminary design is underway and expected to be complete by the end of 2023. Right of way acquisition, final design and permitting are scheduled for 2024. Construction is tenatively scheduled to begin in early 2025 and will take 12 to 18 months to complete.




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Active U.S. 80 Whitemarsh Island Sidewalk

This is a project to construct a new sidewalk/path along Highway 80 from Johnny Mercer Boulevard to Whitemarsh Village Way. It will provide connectivity from the schools and commercial area to the adjacent neighborhoods and apartment complex.  Final design, right of way acquisition and permitting are complete. Construction is scheduled in 2024.


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Preliminary Engineering I-16 at S.R. 17/ Jimmy DeLoach Parkway

Upgrades will be made to the interchange at I-16 and State Route 17 through a partnership between Chatham County and the Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT). Chatham County will sponser the preliminary engineering and GDOT will manage construction. The project will widen or replace the existing bridge over I-16 and ramps to accommodate additional traffic volumes to keep the interchange functioning at an acceptable level through 2050. Concept design and review of the alternatives is now complete. The divering diamond was determined to be the best option. Preliminary design is underway. Construction is anticipated in 2026.

A Public Information Open House will be held for this project on July 2, 2024 from 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM at the Bloomingdale City Hall. Public Input will be accepted until July 26, 2024.

Please use this link to access the GDOT project information site.


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Concept Development Chevis Road Improvements

This project will improve Chevis Road between U.S. 17/Ogeechee Road and Wild Heron Road. The purpose of the project is to improve safety and connectivity for all road users to existing schools, commercial areas, bus stops and neighborhoods. This project will be partially funded with your local SPLOST dollars as well as with federal tax dollars. During the concept phase we will consider what safety, operational and pedestrian improvements will best fit the corridor. The project will also consider bicycles, drainage, lighting and water quality improvements. 

An early Stakeholder meeting was held in April 2023 attended by area organization representatives. We thank those who attended and provided valuable input. The written comments from this meeting are included in the Attachments section. This information along with the disscussions at the meeting are helpful for the ongoing planning and design.

A Public Information Open House will be held at the Georgia Coastal Botanical Garden on May 16, 2024 from 4 PM to 7 PM so that you will have an opportunity to provide input and look at what improvements we are considering. The initial studies have been taking place and Conceptual Engineering is underway. Concept layouts will be available at the Public Information Open House and are now available for viewing on this web site.  The overall schedule includes design of the selected improvements in 2024-2025, right of way acquisition in 2026 and construction beginning in 2027.

Please view the GDOT project website here

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Preliminary Engineering Garrard Avenue Improvements

This project will make improvements to Garrard Avenue and Lane Avenue between Chatham Parkway and Gamble Road. The project is funded with local SPLOST funds and federal funds. The purpose of the project is to improve safety and connectivity for all road users along the corridor. A Public Information Open House was held on November 3, 2022. Please see the concept layout, handout information and comment response letter on the left. The letter  addresses  public comments received from the open house. Our consultants looked at traffic, environmental features and performed survey in early 2022 and we met with local stakeholders and held the open house in the second half of 2022.  The concept report and layout were approved  by the Georgia Department of Transportation in June, 2023. Preliminary design is underway and anticipated to be complete by the end of this year. The schedule includes right of way acquisition beginning in 2024 and construction tenatively in 2025 after right of way acquisition is complete.

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Planning State Route 204 Study

There will be a Public Information Open House for the State Route 204 Corridor Study at the Coastal Georgia Botanical Garden on Tuesday, October 29, 2024 from 4 PM to 7 PM

The current study presentation can be viewed on this page and comments can be submitted via email to npanther@chathamcounty.org.  Please call the Department of Engineering at (912) 652-7800 if you have any questions.

The State Route 204 study will evaluate the operation and safety of State Route 204/ Abercorn Street between US 17 and King George Boulevard. It will also look at alternative access options at Ford Avenue, Pine Grove Drive, and Don Zipperer Road. The study will include public involvement with stakeholder and public meetings. Since the completion of the King George Interchange, the traffic signal at Pine Grove Drive is the new bottleneck point, with a crash frequency well above state average. Due to the high crash frequency, the Department of Transportation is considering closing the median crossing and eliminating the traffic signal. This would improve the operation and safety on State Route 204 but will likely add 10 to 20 minutes of travel time for residents in the communities of Pine Grove Drive and Don Zipperer Road. The goal of the study is to find short and long term solutions for this location. A contract for this study was approved by the Board of Commissioners at the September 8, 2023 meeting.

Information about the study and alternatives are attached.

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Planning SR 25 Corridor Study

This study will evaluate the existing and future capacity, operation and safety of U.S. 17/ State Route 25/ Ogeechee Road between the Ogeechee River (County line) and I-516. The goal of the study is to identify and prioritize short-term and long-term improvements. The study is underway and will be completed by July 2025. Input from the public is welcome and various opportunities for comment will be part of the study. Public comments will be solicited to help with this project. 


The first published presentation for the SR 25/SR 17 Corridor Study is now available for veiwing on this web page. (See attached presentation.) This presentation depicts information compiled concerning the existing corridor condition. Pleae review the information provided in the presentation and use the survey link below to respond and comment.  The information in this presentation plus additional information provided by the public will provide input for the preparation of Alternatives to improve safety, reduce traffic congestion and improve alternative transportation modes.    https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/US17-Survey1

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Planning President Street Railroad Crossing Elimination Study

President Street Railroad Crossing Elimination Study at the Interchange of President Street and Truman Parkway


Please review the Concepts and Alternatives that were reviewed in the attachments found on this page. Click the link above to complete a survey to share your thoughts on the study.



Chatham County, in coordination with the City of Savannah and the Coastal Region Metropolitan Planning Organization (CORE MPO), is conducting a study to identify options for the elimination of the railroad crossing on President Street at its intersection with Truman Parkway. The study will evaluate the existing and future traffic volumes and needs and the operation and safety conditions of the interchange to develop alternatives and costs to eliminate the at-grade railroad crossing. The study will consider freight, commuter and local traffic, and pedestrian/bicyclist travelers. The study will also account for current and future land use patterns and anticipated continued growth, especially for the industrial areas east of Truman Parkway.

The goal of the study will be to identify a preferred alternative, project justification statement and estimated cost that can be further developed into a Concept Report and Preliminary Engineering, which are required steps for moving the project to construction.

The results of the study will be used as a basis to apply for future federal funding through the Federal Railroad Administration’s At-Grade Crossing Elimination Program, as well as other sources of federal funds.

Public Involvement

  • September 17: Frank Murray Community Center, Wilmington Island, 4:30 – 6:30 PM

  • September 18: CORE MPO’s Mendonsa Hearing Room, Savannah, 4:30 – 6:30 PM

Community engagement is critical to the success of this study as residents, local businesses, industries, and other stakeholders will be able to provide insights that may not be apparent through the examination of data alone. Furthermore, community engagement will ensure that the priorities of the community are documented and incorporated into the recommended preferred alternative.

Please click here to sign up for email updates.

Study Documents and Deliverables

Check back here for additional information as it is available.

Background and Purpose

The industries served by the shortline railroad crossing President Street at its intersection with Truman Parkway continues to expand their operations. The industries cite inadequate space within their railroad terminal to add additional track to reduce the number of blockages. This combination has resulted in longer trains and has increased the frequency of blocked traffic on President Street, particularly during morning and afternoon commuting hours. As such, the study will evaluate alternatives and their associated costs for construction of a grade- separated crossing to eliminate the delays and improve the safety of the crossing.

Complicating the existing, at-grade railroad crossing is the intersection with the Truman Parkway. Elimination of the rail crossing could eliminate delays and improve safety for the average of 40,000 vehicles per day that use this area to get to and from downtown Savannah.

The industries served by this railroad expect annual total truck trips using the President Street/Truman Parkway interchange to more than double by the year 2032. It is imperative that planning starts now to reduce congestion and delays associated with the at-grade rail crossing as well as improve the safety and mobility through the interchange.



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Concept Development Green Island Road Path

Green Island Road Path is an off-road, multipurpose trail that is proposed to run adajacent to Green Island Road from Diamond Causeway to the cul-de-sac, approximately 2.1 miles in length.  The project proposes the trail will cross Diamond Causeway and connect to the existing multipurpose trail on the north side of Diamond Causeway.  

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