This project will make improvements to Garrard Avenue and Lane Avenue between Chatham Parkway and Gamble Road. The project is funded with local SPLOST funds and federal funds. The purpose of the project is to improve safety and connectivity for all road users along the corridor. A Public Information Open House was held on November 3, 2022. Please see the concept layout, handout information and comment response letter on the left. The letter  addresses  public comments received from the open house. Our consultants looked at traffic, environmental features and performed survey in early 2022 and we met with local stakeholders and held the open house in the second half of 2022.  The concept report and layout were approved  by the Georgia Department of Transportation in June, 2023. Preliminary design is underway and anticipated to be complete by the end of this year. The schedule includes right of way acquisition beginning in 2025 and construction tenatively in 2026 after right of way acquisition is complete.
