
Project Manager:
Deana Brooks, P.E.

Contact Email:


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This project will include roadway widening and operational improvements to intersections, drainage features, and pedestrian facilities along a 2.6-mile-long segment of Quacco Road between I-95 and US 17/ Ogeechee Road.  The roadway widening will consist of two travel lanes each way with a center median and turn lanes at various locations.  Pedestrian facilities will be a large part of the improvements for this project. A 10-foot shared use path will be along the north side and a 5-foot sidewalk will be along the south side.

The project was split into two phases for constructon. Phase 1 included the improvements at the intersection of Quacco Road and U.S. 17 and on Quacco Road from U.S. 17 to Winding Way. Phase 1 improvements are complete.  Phase 2 will include the widening of Quacco Road between I-95 and Winding Way. Road widening will begin after clearing is complete and utilties have relocated.   Construction anticipated mid 2025.