This study will evaluate the existing and future capacity, operation and safety of U.S. 17/ State Route 25/ Ogeechee Road between the Ogeechee River (County line) and I-516. The goal of the study is to identify and prioritize short-term and long-term improvements. The study is underway and will be completed by July 2025. Input from the public is welcome and various opportunities for comment will be part of the study. Public comments will be solicited to help with this project.
The first published presentation for the SR 25/SR 17 Corridor Study is now available for viewing on this web page. (See attached presentation.) This presentation depicts information compiled concerning the existing corridor condition. Pleae review the information provided in the presentation and use the survey link below to respond and comment. The information in this presentation plus additional information provided by the public will provide input for the preparation of Alternatives to improve safety, reduce traffic congestion and improve alternative transportation modes.
Survey comment responses are now accessible on the website. A Public Information Open House (PIOH) is scheduled for March 27, 2025, at The Coastal Georgia Botanical Gardens (Bamboo Gardens) from 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM. During the meeting, concept displays will present the findings of the corridor study and potential plans for the SR 25/US 17 corridor.