Unincorporated Chatham County has approximately 350 miles of roads to maintain. SPLOST law was changed with the enactment of Sales Tax V that allowed for the resurfacing of existing roadways. The State provides the County with Local Maintenance Improvement Grant (LMIG) funds each year that we use for resurfacing of roads. The LMIG program requires that for each 70 cents of State LMIG funds, the County provide 30 cents of local SPLOST funds. This total amount is then generally used to determine how much resurfacing is completed each year.
Attached to your left you will find a list of roads included in the 2024 resurfacing contract. Construction is anticipated to begin in March 2025. Resufacing of those roads will be completed in the summer of 2025.
The map below features the current road rating of unincorporated Chatham. In February 2023, Chatham County contracted IMS (Infrastructure Management Services) to create a Pavement Management System. IMS drove every road in unincorporated Chatham County with a vehicle designed to collect high-resolution pavement condition data. Once the data was collected a score in the form of a Pavement Condition Index was defined for each road segment using the criteria in ASTM D6433. This criteria considers distress in the pavement such as rutting and cracking. The map below visually represents the pavement condition index of the road segments in Chatham County. The attached report provides additional information on the process and evaluation of the pavement evaluation.
Based on the results of the study, Chatham County’s roadways were found to be in Very Good condition with an average PCI of 70. Our goal going forward is to maintain an average of 70 or better. Using funds provided through Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax and GDOT’s Local Maintenance Improvement Grant, the county works to improve our roadway system through pavement resurfacing and pavement preservation. The County is focusing on resurfacing roads with a PCI less than 50 and extending the life of pavement through pavement preservation on roads with a PCI greater than 70.